Greetings all

Recently I am asked about a hypothetical question, what changes if gravitation is nonexistent? It's always pleasure for me to think about the hypotetical questions since creative answers follow and profound description of real situation becomes available. We have to leave the comfortable zone of usual situations and have to think about from start by considering unusual first.

gravitationless life

• lets start from simple. No gravity means no gravitational force to hold us to the
ground and no normal forces so no friction. If no friction we can't walk.

• Momentum conservation helps we can move due to action-reaction by pulling and pushing around.

• Your analog watch won't work since there is no gravity. Any device with a pendulum in it wont work.

• Buoyoncy will be an issue. Convective heating will not happen. If you heat one part that heat wont propagate other parts.

• Swimming wont be possible due to surface tension of water and the absence of buoyancy.

• Air pressure will be an issue. In earth we have about 1 atm air pressure, it's vital for living. If no air pressure, your blood start boiling af room temperature.

And more and more. Here is a hypotetical question for you:

How to decribe left and right direction to an alien? In another planet.


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