
Showing posts from November, 2018
Nebo - New5 - Page 1 Random variables , sure variables stochastic process → time evolution of random variables X(t) deterministic process → time evolution of sure variables . X ( t ) Assigning probability → statistical or frequency inductive - equal a priori independent event . expected values moments ⟨ X ⟩ = ∑ i x i P x i Probabilities → mean ( sure variables ) Mean(first moment ), Variance ( 2nd moment); skewness ( 3rd moment); kurtosis ( 4th moment ) v a r X = ⟨ X - ⟨ X ⟩ 2 ⟩ = ⟨
Nebo - New4 - Page 1 Today I decide to share how I work on a paper . As a physicist or any scientist actually , you need to read papers and see how others do things . I will read following paper : " Railway switch transport model " by Martin Horvat , Thomas Prosen Guilano Benenti and Giulio Casati . PRE 86 052102 ( 2012 ) . I actually know all the authors of this paper and worked / meet with them before . First two is student - advisor from Lubiana and last two from italy,Casati being the most esteemed (and elderly ) one . Lets start I have some background on this work . In previous paper Italian group shows that assymetry play a role in thermo electric phenemone and efficiency can be increased with it . In this paper they try a toy model to show this affect . 3 terminal for simplicity is considered . 2nd node is