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Time governing

Do you happen to feel that you are not ready to do what you need to do because the conditions necessary for it is not ready yet? I know I felt a lot
Iike that and I believe majority of the people have that experience. so it's important to stop making excuses for not doing things.

I have to teach bunch of freshman in a private University physics. They usually expect more than its presented to them. it's insatiable. The ma in reason is related to the way of modern life. The need for instant satisfaction is the new norm. Artificial intelligence and deep learning is fashion these days. They are based on choosing or enhancing a particular line of thought based on positive feedback. Same thing become more relevant for the modern human. We are so acostoumed to the positive feedback, we can' t do boring stuff. Everyone likes to play games or watch movie or something entertaining noone wants to do errands, or homeworks etc. procastrination is other thing. We usually do things we enjoy and spend time without doing anyting useful.


I belive human freedom. Not living other's life. Freedom of choiche. These are some ideas I adopted from thinkers like Jean Paul Sartre,Hegel,Kieekard, Becket, Camus etc. Existantialism! I enjoy reading books about this idea. My automatic ma il signature has been "Iam my choiche" for years. There are more details and aspects of this philosophy but I don't want to bore you , I may return to this later.

Useful software for math Phys and chess

I use matlab mainly. It has a lot of module supported by company as well as users. You can use modules written for mathlab. It allows high level progerraming. It is the most useful math software I have ever used. (I used matcad, maple, mathematica Hiq etc)

for physics, COMSOL is the best. it's the finite-element program for once I ti physic applications. Untortuanetelly, engineers use it more than physicist.

for chess, the best program you can get is freely available, stockfish. I also like leeches, chess 24 web sites also some applications showing live games played in biog tournaments. I have also tactical chess, problem solvers. etc.


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